The Rattlers travelled to Austin for another opportunity to get tough matches under our belt. We faced top players in the state from regional rivals Westwood, Westlake, and Lake Travis High Schools. All matches were extremely challenging, with the most excitement during the match against Westlake High School. At the end of doubles play, the Rattlers were up 4 lines to 3, thanks to girls doubles teams Kathy He/Paulina Razo, Livia Washington/Jacqueline Huang, Sarah Stevens/Marcella Perry and mixed doubles team Jairo Kirk/Angela Pozos.
Westlake singles players stepped up and won a singles line to make it an even 4 lines each. With every line that Westlake won, Reagan answered with another win. For the next hour-and-a-half, Rattler fans sat on edge, waiting for Reagan to get to 10 lines for the team win. Kathy He, José Beltrán, Sabrina Scanlon, Angela Pozos, and Amaya Yovanovich brought home winning lines to put the Rattlers up 9 lines to 8. In the end, Reagan fell just short of Westlake at 9 lines to 10. This was superb competition for our young team. We expect to see these regional rivals again in playoffs, so it was a great warm-up!
District play continues this week for the Rattlers:
Clark High School this Wednesday, August 31 at 4:30pm at the Anne Marie Tennis Center
Brandeis High School this Friday, September 2 at 4:30pm at Blossom Tennis Center
Strike ‘Em Rattlers!
Photo: Friendly game of 105 against Westwood High School after the match.