Reagan Aquatics Dominate Season Openers

October 13, 2017

October 13, 2017 – Reagan’s men and women swimmers each capture 1st Place of 9 teams competing at the AAHSSL Pentathlon on October 7th.  Reagan’s combined score was 1,217.5 points, with second place going to Johnson with 608.5 points.

Reagan’s men and women divers take top spots at the AAHSSL Invite on October 6th:  For the men – Chase Haugland (2nd) and Konstantine Partalas (3rd) out of 27 divers.  For the women – Katarina Partalas (4th), Kamryn Wischer (7th) and Alyssa Palacios (14th) out of 33 divers.

Congrats Rattlers!