Football Sub-Varsity Game Information. Strike ’em Rattlers!

October 28, 2020

Another great week ahead for our sub-varsity teams! Here is the information:

9th grade teams

Green team plays 10/29/2020 at 4:30pm at Madison High School

White team plays 10/29/2020 at 6:00pm at Madison High School

JV teams

Green Team plays 10/29/2020 at 4:30 at Reagan High School

White team plays 10/28/2020 at 5:00pm at Reagan High School

Important Reminders for games at Reagan:

  • Wear a mask while entering athletic facilities, during game and when leaving the athletic facilities.
  • Follow all social distance protocols.
  • Do not attend if you have any signs or symptoms of Covid19.
  • Feel free to bring your own lawn chairs and spread out on the perimeter of the track (but not on the track).
  • If you sit in the bleachers, skip a row and sit with immediate family members only.
  • Both sides of the field will be open for fans.
  • To avoid a line at the entrances, coaches will be passing around a bucket throughout the game. Adult tickets are $4 and student tickets are $2. Please have exact change.

Strike ‘Em Rattlers!

Photos courtesy of Joe Calomeni,