FCA: See you Monday in your ugly sweaters and festive socks

December 12, 2021


Everyone is welcome to join Reagan’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Christmas meeting on Monday, December 13th @6:00pm in the A100 Classroom. Students will meet for food, fellowship, worship and a service project for the Angel Card Project.

  • Wear an UGLY Christmas Sweater
  • Bring a pair of festive or crazy socks for a fun exchange
  • Bring a friend

We appreciate parents donating their time, food, and drinks for the meeting. Please sign-up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080945ADAD29ABF58-reagan.

If you have any questions, please contact sponsor Coach Ryan Pannell at jpanne@neisd.net or Jenn Shannon at jennifershannon1973@gmail.com, parent coordinator for FCA.

This is the last FCA meeting for the Fall and we will send out the Spring FCA schedule in January.

Students and parents can sign up for the FCA REMIND @rhsfca2122.

We look forward to FCA continuing to grow on the Reagan campus. See you there Rattlers!