FCA Join us tonight for Food, Fun, and Fellowship

October 14, 2021

Everyone is welcome to join Reagan’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) meeting tonight, Monday, October 18th @ 6:00 PM in the A100 Classroom. Students will meet for food, fellowship, worship music with Coach Howard, and an inspirational message from Chris Dudgeon, North Rock Church.

We appreciate parents donating the food and drinks for the students to enjoy at the meeting. Please help fill in the spots to donate food or your time to help serve at the next meeting. CLICK HERE or go to https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080945ADAD29ABF58-reagan.

If you have any questions, please contact sponsor Coach Ryan Pannell at jpanne@neisd.net or Jenn Shannon, parent coordinator, at jennifershannon1973@gmail.com.

The remaining meeting dates this semester are:

  • November 8th
  • December 13th

Students and parents can sign up for the FCA REMIND @rhsfca2122. We look forward to FCA continuing to grow on the Reagan campus.

See you there Rattlers!