Everyone is welcome to join Reagan’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) meeting on Monday, August 22nd @6:00 PM in A100 Classroom in the Athletic Classroom. Come join us for food, fellowship, worship and an inspirational message.
If you are able to donate food or your time to serve food and drinks to our students, please sign up by CLICKING HERE or going to https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080945ADAD29ABF58-fall.
If you have any questions, please contact sponsor Coach Ryan Pannell at jpanne@neisd.net or Jenn Shannon at jennifershannon1973@gmail.com, parent coordinator for FCA.
Mark your calendar for the rest of our Fall meeting dates:
- Monday, September 19th
- Monday, October 17th
- Monday, November 7th
- Monday, December 12th
Sign up for the FCA REMIND @rhsfca2223.
We look forward to growing FCA on the Reagan campus. See you Monday Rattlers!