Don’t miss action like this tonight at Heroes Stadium!

September 20, 2019


Come see your Reagan Rattlers as they take on the Johnson Jaguars tonight @ 7:30 PM @ Heroes Stadium!

If you don’t have season tickets, you can get general admission tickets in advance near the Reagan Main Office today during all lunches (11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.). Students are $3.00 and adults are $7.00. Cash and/or checks only. You can also get your tickets on-line at Everyone will be $8.00 at the gate.

Wear your #WeAreReagan t-shirt and come early for the 5:30 PM tailgate sponsored by the class of 2020! #StrikeEm

Pictured is Quarterback, Travis Sthele, from last week’s victory over Clemens, taken by Joe Calomeni,

Submitted by D. Jones