Reagan Tennis Tryout Information for 2023-2024 School Year

May 25, 2023

Necessary Forms First

ALL players will need to have a current doctor’s physical (within the last year—your physical is only good for 12 months), an updated medical history, and their online participation paperwork submitted PRIOR to trying out for ANY tennis team.  This is a non-negotiable required by both NEISD and UIL.  Please find the appropriate forms at the following link (also available through the NEISD website by clicking on Students, then the Parent Page under Athletics, and finally the Required Forms—the link below is only for the online submission portion):

You may either submit a digital copy of your physical to Coach Daniel at  Coach Daniel will forward that copy to our athletic trainer in charge of paperwork.  Again, this MUST be done PRIOR to ever coming on the court.

For the 2023-2024 school year, the Reagan Tennis Team will again feature three different levels of teams:  a varsity team (which will consist of the top 10-12 boys and top 10-12 girls for a maximum of the top 24 players at Reagan High School); a JV-A (Junior Varsity traditional which will consist of the next tier of 10-12 boys and 10-12 girls for a middle competitive team with another maximum of 24 players); and a JV-B (a second Junior Varsity team that will be more developmental in nature and geared more toward players who are freshmen and sophomores, but it will consist of the next tier of 10-12 boys and 10-12 girls for another maximum of 24 players).  All teams (with a maximum of 72 players overall, a number that is determined by our court space of 6 courts on-campus) are considered competitive teams with the aim toward representing Reagan High School at matches and tournaments.  The varsity team is expected to compete at the highest levels within the state of Texas, while the other two teams should be developing toward that capacity.

Varsity Tryouts

Varsity Tryouts will be conducted July 31 – August 4, 2023, at the Reagan High School tennis courts.  The intention will be to finish the tryouts by August 2, 2023, but I have blocked aside the entire week in case of weather delays or the need for more match play.  Tryouts will begin at 8:00 a.m. each day and go until necessary (with the hope that we do not have to surpass 3:00 p.m.).  These tryouts will include mostly singles matches featuring best 2 out of 3 sets, no-ad scoring, with a super tiebreak in lieu of the 3rd set.  It is recommended (but not limited) for the 2023-2024 school year that boys have no lower than a 4.0 UTR and girls have no lower than a 3.0 UTR.  Those who make the varsity team will begin practice and playing team matches almost immediately for the 2023 Fall Team season.  Please note that simply trying out for the varsity team and not making it does NOT assure one a spot on the JV-A team.  Coach Daniel is looking for players who excel on the court not just in their match scores, but also in how they conduct themselves win or lose, on the potential of their tennis abilities, and on the intangible of how they fit into a team.

JV-A/JV-B Tryouts

Both the JV-A and JV-B tryouts will be conducted during the first three weeks (the first day or two of school will probably only be for going over instructions and to ensure paperwork is in order) of the 2023-2024 school year.  The great majority of these students have been pre-loaded into 7th (JV-B) and 8th (JV-A) periods; however, the number of students far exceeds the court capacity which we have at Reagan.  Due to this, a schedule will be released on the first day of school that designates what days certain players will be trying out (these will be mostly delineated along the lines of boys on certain days with girls on the others).  These schedules will include some activities during both 7th and 8th periods (NO student should miss a class on their current schedule to come to tennis during 7th or 8th period) AND time after school (not to exceed 5:30 p.m.).  Players will be evaluated on multiple facets including (but not limited to):  physical condition, stroke mechanics, match play, abilities within drills, attitude, and effort.  At the end of that three-week trial period, we will maneuver the students into the correct placements for 7th and 8th periods and produce schedule changes for those who, unfortunately, do not earn placement on one of the teams.  At the JV-B level, more consideration will be given for youth (i.e., freshmen and sophomores) since they will have more time to develop.

Other Important Information

Please note that none of teams is considered an apt placement for a person who is a beginner at the sport of tennis.  Playing experience is expected at ALL levels, for these are all competitive teams.  Over the summer, ALL prospective players are encouraged to seek hitting clinics where they can improve their skills.  The Reagan HS program players have found success at many different levels in many different programs around San Antonio.  Our current recommendations include (but are not necessarily limited to) Godwin Tennis Academy, San Antonio Tennis Academy, Shavano Park Tennis Center, The Tennis Park at Whispering Oaks, the JCC (Jewish Community Center), Blossom Tennis Center, Dominion Country Club, and Northside Tennis Center.  Certain players will fit better at different programs within these (and other) hitting clinics.  Each player is encouraged to find the best fit for him or her.  In addition, players are encouraged (really, strongly suggested) to participate in USTA level tournaments and UTR tournaments throughout the summer to prepare themselves for the match play experience required.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Coach Daniel at  Please give him a little more time to answer in the summer, for he will not be on email every day.  Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you in the 2023-2024 school year!